Steve Agland
Simon Bunker
Eoin Murphy
Jakub Jeziorski
Francesco Sansoni
Manuel Macha
Animal Logic recently overhauled its outmoded lighting workflow from the film Peter Rabbit 2. Since Pixar’s Universal Scene Description (USD) was being adopted as the primary scene description format throughout the studio pipeline, this technology became a natural backbone around which to implement the new lighting toolkit. Following previous work to integrate USD into our animation pipeline [Baillet et al. 2018] we introduce Grip, a USD-native library which provides a node-based approach to authoring procedural modification of scenes; and Filament, a Qt-based application serving as the artist front end for interacting with a USD scene, the Grip engine, the production renderer, and pipeline tools.
Read the full Grip and Filament: A USD-Based Lighting Workflow paper here!